Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Whatever happened to the old school?

( A school essay updated to the year 2012)

  Blogs abound filled with musings on how the elite Alma Mater that we have passed through
has today deteriorated and decayed to the state that we see today. The answer ,for those
who have stayed in the country all their lives is obvious, what has happened to the old
school is simply a reflection of how the society here has been transformed since that political
event in 1969.Perhaps its because many have been away too long and have lost touch with
The school, just like many institutions pre independence was built from donations by
the already well known founders.It is one thing to be able to erect buildings and facilities,
a lot of money needs to keep it in good repair and as a going concern.That is why it has
been run by the ruling government who provide the funds from taxpayers and decides how
the school should reflect its policies.
What is the significance of the 1969 watershed event to the country?Well for one it was a
sort of socialist movement, an attempt supported by the United Nations for developing
countries to bridge the gap between the rich and poor and particularly between the
privileged urban and poor rural dwellers of the countryside.
Whereas in the early days of Malaysia the Chinese and Indians were confined to the
urban areas they had founded, funded and thrived in , the Malays remained very much
village people many living an agrarian lifestyle and in relative poverty.The 1969 event was
engineered to topple the government which did not carry out adequately aggressive programs
to address this economic imbalance,rightly or wrongly.
One should not forget that at that time Communism was also flexing its muscles,the Chinese
practically rejected them and adopted the Capitalist model, probably because there were
enough opportunities in the developing country to achieve economic success in a capitalist
Not for the Malays though with no capitalists or a middle class in their ranks with a high
proportion of rural dwellers with little opportunity of upward social mobility through education
and wealth.  
The New Economic Policy of the 1970s attempted to address these issues with the government
acting as the driver of the economy by borrowing heavily to build up and invest in the
infrastructure of the country to bring up the living standards of the Malays through affirmative
action, a somewhat similar affirmative policy to that of advanced countries to improve the lot of
under-privileged minorities.What is significantly different is that the government targeted their
programs in the form of quotas to reflect the racial composition of the country at that time
which was some 50 % Malay and 40 % Chinese and Indian.We know of course today that
the Malays have expanded to 60 % of the total whereas the Chinese have dwindled to about
22 %,which will eventually reach 10 % ,a healthy figure to the politicians bent on transforming
the country into a mirror of Indonesia today.(Which is no secret given the calls for Ketuanan
of the previous few years).
 In the period after 1970 the quota system ran full force,whereas in the past the limited Local
University places accepted students on merit, places for non-Malays now were restricted to
30-40 % in all courses.Intake for civil servants was also frozen for non-Malays and promotions
and further advancement capped.The better equipped urban schools including the elite schools
were reserved for students from the kampungs and a minority from the urban areas.More schools
were built of course for  increasing demand but it was the end for the elite schools filled with
urban students,schools had to be reflective of the country's demographics.The language of
instruction was changed to Malay and in time given the higher proportion of Malay students and
staff, they were  transformed into practically Malay schools and Muslim ones to cap.One would
have thought that  given the opportunities to obtain a good education  that the rural person would
eventually grow more cosmopolitan but that was not the case,they were either bent on making
their presence felt by posturing and insisting that their rights as the majority be priortised and the
education system became Malay and Muslim-centric tilll today, not only in schools but also in
Public Universities and other institutions they dominate in numbers.

  But all his did not stop here.Whilst deliberately diluting the population of non-Malays in urban
public schools ,the government embarked on a mission to create elite schools for Malays only
so as  to fill the ranks of the Malay elite in the civil service and in the growing private sector.
Scholarships were given generously to Malays at that time to ensure that the balance of graduates
and professionals were fairly even,the policy at that time being to ensure that occupation was not
identified with race.
  Did the Chinese or Indians just roll over and allow fate to deal its hand? Even in the worst of
times in the 70s when Public University places were limited better-off  parents could send their
children overseas which at that time could offer subsidised education, or there were alternatives
like TAR College.There were of course urban students too poor even to attend College without
a scholarship and sadly this segment was totally neglected.Today Mahathir has already
transformed the country into a regional hub for tertiary education with scores of Public U's most
of which were set up specifically to fuel the demand by Malays for tertiary education but which
offered little in the form of high standards, becoming the root source of unemployed graduates.
Private Universities and Branches of Foreign U’s abound filled with foreign students,most of the
Private Us although rated by a a body called the MQA (Malaysian Quality Assurance) to ensure
minimum standards are actually no better than degree mills.Today education per se is no longer
the preserve of the rich or preferred.
  The recent trend of and reason why parents enrolled their children in vernacular schools at
primary or elementary level is because they did not want their children to lose their identity from
being overwhelmed by the Malay centric and Muslim centric majority dominated Ketuanan culture
at an early age,with the goons in the Ministry of Education pulling the strings.Instead in the
vernacular schools one could still find some semblance of discipline and strong and core universal
values such as honesty ,civic mindedness and industriousness reflected in the Confucian tradition,
not perfect though in some aspects but sufficient to fuel the successful societies in Taiwan,China,
Japan or Korea.This is important from the point of view of strength in diversity, the need
nowadays for each segment of society to find its own niche and in this instance to be able to keep
up with the future leaders of the world,ie.the East Asian countries.Today many parents even opt
to send their children to private schools offering the syllabus of foreign countries and the Chinese
schools are bursting at the seams with the demand for places not only by Malays but also
foreigners like the Koreans or Japanese.
  A plural ,diverse and eclectic society as such with its own diverse languages, religions, schools
has its strengths as exemplified in other countries such as Austria,Belgium,Switzeland,Canada
where various ethnic groups co-exist peacefully and each thrives on and contributes its own
strengths and linkages and there is hardly any necessity  to subjugate or integrate one another.In
fact they represent models for successful nation building and in no way are the various ethnic
groups not loyal citizens and none of them are ill-treated in any way.   
   Not for the Malays though,instead of viewing the Chinese as an asset doing their part in the
country's progress, they prefer to forcibly assimilate the Chinese and Indians just as is done in
Indonesia, Phillipines or Thailand.In short Ketuanan policy is not a motive to improve the country
as a whole but rather the agenda of the group of long entrenched  rich and powerful Malays to
preserve their position to make others subservient to them so that they can continue to dream in
their comfort zone and lifestyles and remain in power indefinitely and cement the existing status
quo of Malay Feudalism.,with their victims paying rent and footing the bill as usual. There have
been times when the government tried to eradicate vernacular schools by introducing the Visions
Schools concept whereby Vernacular schools shared facilities with public schools,the government
could then kill 2 birds with one stone,saving the money to build new schools.and at the same time
splitting the Chinese and subjugating them via physical presence in sheer numbers.Having failed in
that the goons from the Ministry of Education tried to sabotage by limiting the training of Chinese
school teachers,under-staffing the vernacular schools and best of all diverting funds to equip state
of the art facilities to public schools again killing 2 birds with one stone,on the one hand ensuring
that public schools enjoy the best facilities and on the other hand ensuring that the builders and
suppliers of public schools (confined to Malays only) benefit  from the business.This battle will
never end and attempts to undermine vernacular schools in one way another surface again and
again.The civil servants are a wonderful lot they know how to control and bully people using
money but what they forget is that the people are the ones paying taxes and paying their salaries.   

 By the year 1997 most of the original objectives of the NEP had been achieved, poverty was
practically eradicated, illiteracy non-existent and Malays dominated the salaried workforce in
both the private and public sector. Ownership of the assets in business had far exceeded the
original 30 % set. But the Asian Financial Crisis derailed the status quo. Most of the Malay private
companies which were Government Privatisations  went bust and had to be  bailed out .That left
a lot of the Malay businessmen stranded and they formed a group that pressured the government
to keep their 90s luxurious lifestyles by awarding them licences such as APs for importing cars,
providing services for the Oil and Gas industries,contracts of supply and construction for the public
sector exclusively for themselves either through regulations, relationships or via the old school
network. All these were done on very generous terms using tax money and under the guise of
achieving 30 % ownership of the economy which they had lost.There were a lot of abuses and
leakages in the use of public funds at that time.
 This group of people even called for a New New Economic Policy to revert the situation back to
pre 1997 but this called was later concealed by another name called the New Economy,or the
Economic Transformation Program in which the government hoped to attract more high value
business ventures and investments locally by using  more local private investments like in the 90s
with the Malays holding the controlling stake of each venture so that  they had guaranteed  profits
and only needed to collect rents as in the good old days of borrowed easy money.    
    That failed as we are now in an age where capital flows easily and freely worldwide to places
with better opportunities  to more competitive places such as China or Vietnam for example.
    The economic crisis in Europe in 2008 and the recent failures of countries like Greece and
Spain made matters worse and the economy of the country actually shrank.At no time did the
government tighten its belt. Learning its lesson not to be too dependent on foreign capital like in
the 80s and 90s the government borrowed heavily from local pension funds to finance
infrastructure to stimulate the economy by fiscal means, and spent up to a value of 50 % of the
GNI (usually it is limited to about 35%) to maintain the lifestyles of the rich and powerful in the
form of salary increases for civil servants,more spending on education to fulfill their hidden agenda
(in fact Education is the biggest component of public spending with 1 million civil servants more
than half of whom are teachers) and protecting and sheltering the Malay businesses such as car
manufacturers ,distributors, Finance industry and those in the closed Oil and Gas industry.The
government has set up many Government Linked companies just as in Singapore to spearhead
new and strategic industries and they are staffed by Malays just as in Mahathir’s Look East
Malaysia Boleh, Look East Industrial Master Plan of the 80s.Such wanton spending American
style creates a very dangerous situation whereby the country has exhausted its savings and is
unable to face any new challenges or seize any new opportunities.The goverment and its
supporters and hangers-on justify all this spending and waste rationalizing that they have not
achieved their original target of 30 % ownership and participation in the economy when if fact
in reality the combined participation of the Malay Government,Malay businesses and GLCs is
practically more than half the ownership and output of the economy, the only difference is that
the GLCS are run by very highly paid executives in a corporate capacity unlike the small fragile
SMIs and SMEs run by the normal little Entrepreneurs, using capital more efficiently and
prudently instead of the waste and extravagance of those run on public funds (which are taxes
paid by these genuine businesses).
   Whatever happens to the country,one can be sure that the rich and influential Malays would be
able to weather the storm if they are prudent enough which they were not in 1997.Should the
government regain power it is only a matter of raising taxes in the official way or forcing the public
to cross subsidise the expenditure of others and milking the real business community of their
earnings to pay back debts.It is no surprise that the country has achieved almost the top ranking
in terms of  illegal capital flight,people are siphoning off public funds and parking them overseas so
that they can hightail it and seek refuge elsewhere should the Opposition or Muslims gain the
upper hand and disentangle the 50 year old cosy  relationships and Kleptocracy steeped in
feudalistic ways and practices.      
  Experts have advised that the government is interfering too much in the economy by creating
too many distortions in the economy and human resources and marginalizing the productive up to
a million who have sought a living elsewhere.It has been a repetitive cycle decade after decade
and the moddling coddling from cradle to grave continues with no end in sight,even wild animals
severe off the apron strings after some period of nurturing and it seems now this "protection"
has become a right or is deliberately maintained to create safety in sheer numbers,with others
footing the bill of course as usual and on the blissful assumption that the practice will continue to
be economically viable and sustainable as was always the case in the good old past.  
     The strategies adopted by these group of people are by no means foolish, it is merely actions
of opportunistic people clever enough to line their pockets and making hay while the sun shines as
the sun has set several times in the past only to emerge again. However it is taking its toll on a
nation that has wasted the best of its human resources and wasted hard earned money and
perpetually throwing good money after bad money decade after decade for 50 years.The last
thing one would associate with these group of cynics is patriotism and loyalty to country , they
are only loyal to money. History proved that the winners today are those who got rich by
becoming rich through whatever means, imperialism,war,whatever. There is a subtle difference
however ,the rich cannot keep their wealth if they do not invest their wealth prudently in education
and research and adoption and creation of new technology and invest in their best  human
resources which unlike raw assets can adapt to change and continuous improvement.The West
invested their ill-gotten gains in research and knowledge and have been reaping the benefits of
their investments for decades.Here we have people wasting money on hare-brained schemes,
siphoning off the cream, and leaving the public to bail out the failed ventures or simply left to rot.
  What has all these got to do with your old school and that “spirit”, the spirit of competition,
merit, equal opportunity , excellence  and fair play inherited from the British and the Founders?
Well ,values and mindsets (adjusted to meet the aspirations of the dominant  majority’s cultural
and religious practices and beliefs) have changed as explained in the foregoing and it has
trickled down to the school and in fact starts at school. The revered school has become another
school to meet the needs of the local community,the heavily protected elite are all sent to a few
monoculture homogenous residential schools where they are guaranteed of good academic
results to qualify for public and foreign universities after which they can return to serve the elite
group holding political and economic power to continue the tradition and agenda . In many
strategic and high growth industries such as medical services the government has even tried to
limit the total number of graduates produced whilst still continuing to sends students on
scholarships to all corners of the world to ensure their sheer numbers would dominate the high
income medical professions when the country becomes a regional affordable  medical hub just
as in education.
 Why the preponderance of such narrow-mindedness, tunnel vision,myopia and shameless
bigotry on the part of the people in power?I think it can be summarised in one word "Paranoia".
Memories of past failures, inadequacies,an inferiority complex,insecurity,laziness,reluctance to
compete in a competitive world , an incurable addiction to depending and feeding off and
exploiting others and a fondness for hitching a free ride and above everything else vested interests.
Anything just to remain in power and maintain the status quo and continue to be fat and lazy. 

 Why is the school not spick and span as in the past? Well its because the people populating the
school do not have a culture of good house-keeping when it comes to public property. Why such
a high incidence of disrepair? Because public funds are limited, whatever is available has been
spent on more “strategic” education institutions elsewhere or have been abused and wasted as it
has been for decades.

  Enjoy the memories, they are just what they are,memories of a distant past and era.Change?
Dont hold your breath waiting,change has been going on unabated for the last 50 years, in the
opposite direction of what you would expect. There are many alternatives and options available

Famous quotes to sign off :

" Might is right".

 " All men are born equal but some are more equal than others"

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